Get the best VPN for Hotstar in 3 steps
Get Hotstar free trial VPN
uVPN is the best free VPN for Hotstar. To watch Hotstar in USA or any other country you have to make the very first step - get uVPN with a free 7-day trial. Spend 7 days watching your favorite shows and later decide for yourself whether you want to continue using uVPN (we are sure you will).

Watch Hotstar anywhere
How to watch Hotstar in USA without VPN? Go to Hotstar com US activate page, where you can do Hotstar login or register to watch Hotstar USA content. Right now, it is impossible to watch Hotstar in US without VPN if you are not living or not located in India. That is why we need a VPN - to trick Disney plus and imitate that you are an Indian citizen.
Unblock Hotstar
Get Hotstar subscription with VPN
Use a VPN for Hotstar subscription or Hotstar mod APK file with premium. You can always find a Hotstar free subscription with Indian VPN for Hotstar. All your favorite shows, movies and series that require subscription will be available right away with uVPN - free VPN with a 7-day premium trial.
Get Hotstar VPN